UM – a voltage source with 10-8 level stability
The UM is worldwide unrivaled as a 3-channel ultra-high precision voltage source for its proposed voltage ranges, typically ±14 V. It features an extremely low-temperature dependency of 10-6 ΔV/V per Kelvin and temporal voltage fluctuations of less than 10-7 ΔV/V per minute.
This unique combination of resolution, stability, and long-term drift makes it ideal for quantum computing and high-precision ion trap-based spectrometry. The UM is currently used, for instance, in virtually all high-precision ion trap spectroscopy experiments globally.
The voltage range of the device can be customised: According to your application, you would typically limit the maximum voltage in order to tap the full potential of the 25 bit resolution.
Key Features
Front view of a version of the UM.
The UM version in use at the University of Mainz, Germany, Department of Physics in the g-factor proton experiment.
Plugs of a version of the UM